Your Time Is Up by Sarah Naughton Blog Tour Book Review #KaleidoscopicBookTours

A huge thank you to Bee at Kaleidoscopic Book Tours and Sarah Naughton, for sending me a copy of the brilliant Your Time Is Up to read and review for the blog tour!



One has a secret, one of them saw, there’s blood on the papers, who’ll take the fall?

Zaina never meant to get involved. The plan was always to focus on her exams, make her dad proud.

But none of this is what she’d planned for. Chanelle never made it to the exam; Nero’s convinced he saw something last night and Ysla can’t stop crying.

As Zaina starts to scratch the surface of secrets which desperately want to stay hidden she begins to wonder … how far will they go to keep her from the truth?

My Thoughts:

It’s the 27th June, and zaina Arbour is in hospital talking to the police, demanding that they hear her story…

To start, I managed to devour this cracker of a book in just three hours! It was impossible to put down!

Set in ‘real time’, this thriller will have you gripped from the very beginning. Set during an exam, we see the story unfold over just a few hours. It was really well written, and I really liked the different chapters flashing back, which really kept me reading, as I needed to know what was happening!

A great book, and if YA thrillers are your cup of tea, then this will definitely be right up your street!

Miranda x

Published by Scholastic

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