Three-Inch Teeth by C. J. Box Blog Tour Book Review #HeadofZeus #ThreeInchTeeth

A huge thank you to Andrew Knowles at Head of Zeus and C. J. Box, for sending me a copy of Three-Inch Teeth to read and review for the blog tour!



A rogue grizzly bear has gone on a rampage, killing, among others, the prospective fiancé of Joe Pickett’s daughter.

At the same time, Dallas Cates, who Joe helped lock up, is released from prison with a list of six names tattooed on his skin. He wants revenge on the people who sent him away: the people he blames for the deaths of his entire family and the loss of his reputation and property.

Targeted are his lawyer, a judge, the county prosecutor, a prison guard, Joe’s associate Nate Romanowski – and Joe Pickett himself.

Using the grizzly attacks as cover, Cates devises a method of violence identical to the bear killings and sets out to methodically check off his list. Can Joe stop him before he himself becomes the next target on the killer’s list?

My Thoughts:

This is the first time I have read anything by C. J. Box, and I have to say it most definitely will not be the last! How have I allowed myself to miss out on his previous books?

This is book number 24 in the Joe Pickett series, which is unbelievable, and I think I may need a large period of free time to catch up on them!

I found this  book incredibly entertaining, and I managed to get it read within two days. Having not read any of the previous books in the series, I did find it relatively easy to slide right into the story without finding myself completely out of the loop.

The storyline is massively far-fetched but I like reading a book and escaping, and even within a thriller set in Wyoming, and Joe Pickett, a game warden being our protagonist, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of craziness mixed in!

A wild story, filled with violence and suspense, Joe Pickett is a great character, and the ending has definitely left me wanting more!

Miranda x

Available to purchase now

Published by Head of Zeus – Aries Fiction

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